Thursday, June 25, 2015

Technical frauds - 1

Lately there is  an increase in phone scams. 
The fraudsters claiming to be from your bank, phone company, computer provider or other well-known organisations call you with authentic sounding requests.

They may claim to fix your computer problem, credit your bank account , hexelp to remove virus from your computer , upgrade your network etc.

The fraudsters would take you in confidence and request you to give them remote access to your computer (remote control can be given by pressing a few keys on your computer), The fraudster can use this remote access to access your online banking.and remove your money .

if you get any such call , simply ask for a reference number and call back from your phone. never call fraudster's number but call a published number of the bank or phone company.. never give out your password or account information or a code received on SMS to any one who calls you over phone.

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